How To Save Money For a Weekend Trip

Weekend trips are awesome, but they can get expensive very quickly. If you have a trip coming up, but are looking for ways to save money, here are a few tips to try.

Cut the coffee and snacks: buying coffee and snacks every day can add up quickly. Starbucks coffee can cost $5 to $6 and snacks can be just the same. Stopping the coffee for a few months can add a few extra hundred for your trip.


Eat at home more often: eating at home more often is another quick way to save loads of money. Meals can cost $10 to $20 a pop, depending on where you eat, and stopping that habit can also save a few hundred dollars.


Be flexible with your destination: many travel sites offer discounts and deals for various locations. If you are flexible with your destination, you can score a great deal. So let your destination choose you.