Attend the Downtown Anaheim Farmer’s Market and Fair

Even though summer is not official here just yet, it in Southern California May might as well be summer. And since the weather has been great over the last few weeks, now is the time to go out and enjoy a fun day in Anaheim. Farmer’s market and street fair season is officially upon us and beginning now until the end of summer the city of Anaheim will host a California certified farmers’ market and street fair. The event will feature local artisans, gourmet foods, a street fair with live music and shopping.

The fair will begin at 11 am every Thursday and last until 4pm. The event will take place at Center Street Promenade and Lemon Street in Anaheim. Here is a bit more information if you are planning to attend.


Admission Price: Free

Contact Info: (714) 956-3586

West Center Street Promenade

Anaheim, CA 92805